(Washington, DC) – Today, Mayor Bowser issued Mayor’s Order 2020-063 to extend the state of emergency and public health emergency for Washington, DC through May 15, 2020, as the District continues to fight the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
The Mayor’s Order is effective 12:01 am April 17, 2020 through May 15, 2020.
Under the new Mayor’s Order, the following individuals are required to wear a mask or face covering: employees, customers, and visitors of hotels, retail food sellers, taxis, ride-sharing companies, or other private transportation providers.
Additionally, the Order:
- Requires measures to protect vulnerable populations in community living residences and facilities funded, monitored, and regulated by the District; nursing homes and assisted living facilities; low barrier and emergency shelters; the Correctional Treatment Facility, Central Cell Block, and Central Detention; DYRS Youth Development Center and Youth Services Center; and Saint Elizabeths Hospital and the Psychiatric Institute of Washington.
- Requires that these residences and facilities prohibit visitors and non-essential personnel; screen all staff and visitors upon entry; guarantee that residents have a right to return if they have to leave (e.g. for hospitalization); and implement notification protocols for known and suspected cases of COVID-19.
- Directs the Department of Health Care Finance to proactively identify beneficiaries who may have underlying conditions and conduct outreach for care and case management to those individuals to provide them information on steps they may take to lessen the risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19. They will also determine whether the individual has symptoms of COVID-19 and provide information on any medical care, case management, or other support that may be appropriate for the individual to address the risks or impacts of COVID-19.
- Orders the DC Department of Human Resources, DC Department of Employment Services, the DC Department of Health (DC Health), and the Emergency Operations Center to look at adjusting rulemaking to promote rapid and flexible hiring of temporary workers.
- Extends the validity of medical marijuana registration ID cards through 45 days after the end of the public health emergency.
Read the full Mayor’s Order HERE.
For more information on the District’s response, visit coronavirus.dc.gov.