The Vaccine Exchange is new program that connects District organizations, including faith-based and community-based organizations as well as District employers, with vaccine providers that can assist with providing COVID-19 vaccinations to large groups in the community or workplace. Through the Vaccine Exchange Program, organizations are now able to submit requests for a vaccine clinic and vaccine providers are able to accept those requests and schedule clinics.
The Vaccine Exchange Program Clinics can accommodate groups of individuals from community groups, employers or groups of individuals. The clinics can take place indoors or outdoors. Vaccine clinic operations generally require use of three distinct spaces for the following functions: check-in, vaccine administration, and post-vaccination observation. All spaces must allow for social distancing to be maintained.
Workplace and community-based clinic organizers will be responsible for:
- Coordinating with the vaccinator for site visits, site preparation, and scheduling;
- Recruiting a minimum number of people to be vaccinated at the event to prevent vaccine wastage;
- Committing to organizing two events to be held within the recommended intervals when Moderna or Pfizer vaccine is used;
- Communicating key information to individuals to be vaccinated for first and second doses;
- Gathering and ensuring participants provide all information and documentation needed by the vaccinator;
- Providing staff and volunteers to assist the vaccinator with clinic operations including, check-in, wiping down surfaces, directing patient flow and enforcing masking and social distancing requirements.
Request a Clinic
Organizations interested in offering a vaccination clinic can submit a request here. User guides for the portals are available for organizations and vaccine providers.